Thursday, June 16, 2011

june 16th, 2011

Life keeps going.

I am at a point in my life where I am growing up, and I am at the point where I am discovering myself and the things I want to achieve in life. I have set goals for myself, and I will see what happens with those goals. Hard times will come along in life, and it's how you handle them that make you strong. Life will keep going regardless of whether you set your mind to that time. When things have gotten tough for me... I have learned to pick up the pieces and keep moving. Life is hard, and it never was guaranteed to be easy. 

The one thing that gives me this strength is God, the Lord above. You can do all things through him. Some of us slip off our feet when times are going so great, and you stop thinking about God. God is there for you through the good AND the bad. We should NOT push him aside just because our lives are going so great. He is my motivation, and my solid rock. My relationship with the Lord is everything to me (needless to say, I am not the best Christian, but I sure do try). 

My dad and I had an hour long talk I'd say tonight, and he was giving me life and relationship advice. I took it all in, and I listened to every word. Life is what you make it, and only you can make yourself happy. Your choices are what makes your life, and the decisions you make are what your future will look like. I am growing as an individual, and I am growing as a child of God. I am keeping my head held high, and I am strengthening my relationship with God as each day comes. 

Life is what YOU make it. God will only push you farther if you allow him to be in control of your life. 

P.S. It's much easier, fyi.

The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all.