"The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him." - Nahum 1:7
This is a perfect topic for today. I haven't had the dandiest day today. I know that tomorrow is a new day, and I will forget about today. When you are in trouble or having a rough time with a situation, you should ask for God's love and guidance. He does know the people that are being selfish and only ask for their own benefits and the ones that are truly loving that love him and that need his help. Do not ask for the Lord's help if you are one that assumes if you ask you will recieve. Do not ask for the wrong reasons. Praying is a way of communicating with our Lord; however, he is not Santa. He does not accept wish lists. Neither does he put us on a good and bad list. He loves all of us equally. This is our Father, Our Lord Almighty, and help in trouble.
He's there for all of us regardless, and I will not say otherwise. We are his children. He does know the ones that are truly being selfish and only use him when they need him. Are you going to have that kind of relationship with Our Lord? I won't. That is taking advantage of his love for us, and justice will come to each one of the selfish people at a time in their life. Develop a strong and loving relationship with your Lord, and don't take advantage of his love for you.
Do not make the assumption that if you didn't get your prayers answered that God doesn't love you. He loves each one of us unconditionally, and he has more love than any of us do. He loves us all no matter what we do. There could be many reasons why your prayers haven't been answered, and I don't know the answer to that. I am not God, and never will I claim to be him. Love him, and be thankful for his love for you. Ask in his name.
He knows all the answers.
You don't, and neither do I.
I do know to love him, and be thankful for all of the many blessings he has blessed me with. I am truly fortunate, and I tend to get out of hand and be dramatic when something doesn't go my way. I have to remind myself that the Lord is here with me, and that he has my life truly blessed. Look at your blessings when you are down. Look up and close your eyes. He's there. Always.
He loves you.
The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all.
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