Monday, March 14, 2011

march 14th, 2011

Put on the New Self.

"If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on Earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory." - Colossians 3:1-4

When you have come to the realization in life that Christ is your Father, and you should live your life for him... You should set your mind to do things for the Lord. Not for yourself, your boss, your family, or anyone. But the Lord above. Seek to do better things in his name, and try to better your relationship with him. Make yourself a better child of God, and talk to him. Change your mind setting in life. Change it from the basing of yourself to the Lord. As humans many of us are setting our lives based on Earth, and the people around us. We will soon be in the gates of heaven, and have to answer to our Father for our sins. Think before you act. Ask yourself the question... How am I going to answer to this when God asks me about it? Would you rather make the hard decision and just do what's right or just follow down the devils path? When you know what is wrong and do it anyway, that is sin. Keep that in mind. I have to do that myself, for I am a sinner. I was born a sinner. So were you.

Life is a journey, and it wasn't supposed to be easy sometimes. God knows all of our decisions that we are going to make in life, and he knows his plan for each and every one of us. It's our decision for what we decide to do in circumstances that get tough, and it's our decision with what we decide to live for. He doesn't do that for us. He would like for us to worship him, love him, and praise him in his glory. Are you going to do that? Are you going to put on your new self and live your life for him? I am. I'm working on that now. I'm working on living a better life for him. Not for myself, but to make him proud of who I am as a child of God. I am never going to be perfect, and never will I strive to do so. I always tell myself though.. there is always room for improvement. You can never stop trying, and you should never give up or lose hope.

"And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." - Colossians 3:17

Are you putting on your new self anytime soon? Need help with encouragement? If so, I am always here for anyone in times of comfort. The Lord can do a much better job than I; however, I am here for anyone that needs encouragement. Never give up, and never lose faith.

Life is a roller-coaster ride, and you have to learn how to hold on along the way. You might throw up, and you might scream... but never... ever... give up.

The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all.

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