In the years and days of your youth, you should always keep your faith strong. It may be hard, and you may not understand a lot of things about the Bible. You can at least ask some adults, or your parents questions if you are skeptical. Don't be scared, just ask. Ask your preacher if you aren't comfortable asking your parents or another adult.
"Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth," - Ecclesiastes 12:1
Just because you are young does not mean you are foolish, make yourself a wonderful image and example for the Lord. Stay strong in your faith, continue to learn about his ways. Be mature and wise as you age. Never lose your way, and never forget you can always go to him with anything you may need. We will grow and mature as time goes along, and mature with God. He will help you, if you let him.
The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all.
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