Sunday, January 22, 2012

january 22nd, 2012

Running from God

I tend to sometimes only talk to God when I need him, or I need his forgiveness. Do some of you do that too? It's as if I am running from him, or as if I think I don't need him when the going is good. I need, you need, and we all need his presence at all times. We all run at some point, but one of my resolutions for not just this year, but the many more to come... is to not run from God, but towards him. 

We sometimes don't believe that others deserve to have God's grace, and that is an awful thing to believe. God is a God of second chances.. or numerous chances. We all make a mistake over at least once at some point or another. We all get the occasional thought of "I can't stand her/him... I wish God would just lay it on them!," is that the kind of thoughts we should be thinking? No. Of course not. We all lose our way sometimes, and sometimes it takes mistakes to realize that we do need our Lord during the good and the bad times. We need his loving presence around us all the time. We should be welcoming our fellow sinners that surround us all, and help one another in ways that one cannot by themselves. 

Remember this.... Judging others does not define one, but defines yourself.

So, are you going to run away from our Father... or towards him? It's your choice.

The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all.