Saturday, April 30, 2011

april 30th, 2011

I need patience.

Yesterday, I had to work, it was a busy, hectic, and stressful night needless to say. I was thinking rude comments in my mind about some people that were rude to me, and I didn't speak them aloud. I wanted to say things to some people, but I didn't. I was wanting closing time to approach a lot faster than it actually was. I was becoming impatient; if you cannot tell by now that I am an impatient person as it already is. I am impatient about all sorts of things, and that is one of my flaws. I wish to become a more patient person with life, and most importantly... I will pray to become a patient child of God. 

The Lord has blessed me with many miracles in my life. I need to ask for patience in every situation that I am approached with. Everyone has a time in their lives that they are impatient (some more than others, meaning myself). 

"Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!" - Psalm 27:14

When I have asked for God to send me patience, I have to realize that I have to do my part in receiving that characteristic. I have to do my fair share. I am quick to anger, and I need many blessings in that circumstance. I have to understand to push it aside and ignore rude remarks, and I have to keep a steady attitude and move forward. There are some things that are worth getting a little upset over; for example, if you are abused, someone you love has died, or any major, disappointing event. We still need patience and blessings when situations like this come about. We need patience for the small angers and the big angers. I have been told time and time again since I was able to speak that I am hard-headed. I need to be like the ones that are able to have anger control, and I need their long fuse. If someone does something hurtful to you or someone you love, we have to learn to forgive. We cannot just put a band-aid over the issue and be done with it; however, we have to comprehend that the healing process will take time. Forgiveness takes time, and it takes patience as well. The people that have strong patience... I admire you. 

I have thought about this over the time and there are many ways to help make yourself a more patient person. First, if you are impatient to get off of work (like myself that works in the fast food world, YAY... not) and someone comes in as you are closing ( if many do not know, I am an employee at the local restaurant in my hometown) you want to just be rude as possible, and say "Go away! I am tired, and I want to go home." Take a breather, and think how would you like if you were hungry and walked into a restaurant and had the cashier say rude remarks or have a bad attitude? It would make you feel bad, wouldn't it? I have to do that, and majority of the time I don't think about things like that. I will also make the comment, if you are thinking rude remarks, it is just the same as saying it aloud. 

"And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful." - Colossians 3:15

Second, think to yourself how patient our Lord is with us. Remind yourself of the love that Jesus Christ has for each and every one of us. He loves us; even though, we are sinners. We make him angry at times for some our decisions and life choices ( I bet! ). I can't count how many mistakes I have made in my 17 years of living. I have barely began my life as a person yet, and I have already made numerous mistakes. God still loves me... and he still has patience for me. He has patience for all of us. Never forget his love and his patience.

Jesus Christ died on the cross for all of our sins, and he died for all of the problems and issues we may face. He put to death all of these horrid things that take place in what we call our lives. When you start to think of all the terrifying things, those angered moments don't seem so important do they? 

Remember his love and his patience for you. He won't ever lose patience for any of us. 

"And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." - Colossians 3:17

The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all.

Friday, April 22, 2011

april 22nd, 2011

It's Good Friday today!

I apologize for not being on in basically a month. I have had a lot going on with school and working. Easter is on Sunday.

Good Friday is the Friday before Easter, which is the day Jesus was crucified. He died for our sins with his love for God and for us. I woke up and went to school today, and I was debating on whether to attend the local Good Friday Service at noon. I wasn't really that interested; however, I chose to attend. I would have seriously regretted not showing up. The service was very moving, and I enjoyed everything (including the Word that was spoken, the music that was sung/played, the scriptures that were read, and basically everything that was taken place). What I am getting at today is that we sometimes choose not to show up to a church event or a service, then we choose to do otherwise. I came to the realization that I do have a relationship with God; however, it isn't as strong as it needs to be.

Last Sunday was a special day for me, and it meant a lot. I was able to listen to my preacher's sermon, and it opened my eyes tremendously. It might have shaken some people up, but that is the truth and everyone in the church needed to hear it (including me). You are not considered a "good Christian" just because you do good things most of the time, you aren't a "good Christian" just because you go to church every Sunday, you are saved by the grace of God because of Jesus. If it weren't for Jesus dying on the cross we would not be alive today breathing the air that God put here for us. His love for his Father is unbelievable, and he gave us all life. We should be thanking our Lord and Jesus Christ for all they do for us. Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins, so we can be forgiven. We all sin on a day to day basis. Shouldn't we at least try to lower the amount of sin we commit? I sure do try, and I understand that we were all born sinners. All of us are sinners; regardless of what anyone tries to tell you.

Let us all try to appreciate Jesus Christ as our Savior, and we all need to come to the realization that it is because of him that we are saved and not by our own deeds.

Understand that and comprehend that please; I have to do it myself as well. I always focused on what I would do to become a better Christian. When in reality it is because of Jesus Christ that I am a child of God and a saved Christian. Yes, it still matters on how I act and what I make of my life. I should still make wise decisions and follow God's commandments. Follow the Word of God, and follow his ways. Stay true and gracious to his ways. Forever he will love us and keep us close. Never are we far from his presence.

Forever will he love each and every one of us.

The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all.