Sunday, December 25, 2011

december 25th, 2011

Merry Christmas Everyone!
"For Unto Us a Child Is Born!"

For Better or For Worse

When you are at a wedding, you hear vows of course. 

"For better or for worse..
In sickness and in health...
Richer or for poorer..."

The sad part is... majority of the couples across the world are only in it for the better. The couples don't stick through the worse... or the difficult times. When you marry someone, you are making a lifelong covenant in front of the Lord and other witnesses. Divorce is a normal thing these days, and I don't look down on anyone that is divorced... your business is not mine. You must love the Lord and trust in him... ask him before you marry to make you a good husband/wife and ask upon his name to give you both the strength to make it through a life together as one. 

Ask yourself this... Do you love God? Do you love the one person that has sent his one and only Son to die for our sins on the cross when none of us deserved it? Do you love the one that gave you life? Yes, God has some high standards.. and that pushes some people away. All of us at some point try to believe, "Oh, I'm not a bad person. I care for people." God considers hatred to be murder, and lust to be adultery. You can't love someone because you can't give someone something you don't have. You can't truly love your spouse or loved one until you realize what love truly is. You love your spouse whether they deserve it or not. You love everyone whether they deserve it or not... God loves all of us even though we don't deserve it. We have rejected him over and over again, we've spat in his face, and pushed him away. I strongly believe that you can't love someone without loving the Lord first. 

"You shall have no other gods before me." - First Commandment

This is all between you and the Lord. Are you going to continue to reject him? Can't we all see that we need his forgiveness and his love? 

Marriage is a beautiful thing... if it's handled correctly. Love one another, treat each other with the same amount of respect, support each others dreams and ambitions, stay faithful and honest, be each others best friend, never give up even through the hard times, and most importantly... you both must love the Lord before anything else in your life. People sometimes get married for the wrong reason, and end up divorcing. Majority of the humans on this Earth are only concerned about "my needs, or my rights." Put that person before yourself, and make sure their needs are met. A marriage can be destroyed just as quick as it was started. Are you willing to let your marriage fall apart? 

Marriage is a sacred institution established by God and one that is mean to last for life... not for just the better times. 

The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all.


Sunday, December 4, 2011

december 4th, 2011

Remember We Have Been Graced

Have you ever had someone tell you that you are blessed? when in reality... you believe you are not so much. We all go through times in our lives that we are depressed, dealing with family issues, addictions, any personal problem.. it gets us down, doesn't it? 

Gabriel came to Mary to announce that she was giving birth to a son, and his name was going to be Jesus. She didn't understand how she was the one who would receive the favor of God. The reasoning that she didn't believe she deserved it was the same was we all would think... we sometimes believe that in order to receive God's grace we have to deserve it, earn it, or be special in some sort of way. We are all special in God's eyes. We are his children. Mary knew that this child was not going to be just any child.

God told Mary that the grace he was giving her was going to be difficult. It will put her in situations that will put her out of her comfort zone, and it will test her faith. He wanted to show everyone through Mary that the individuals that considered themselves weak, insecure, not good enough, unimportant.... that the world will know that God's glory is not dependent on human power but the grace of Lord above. 

We should be God's servants, and use our lives serving him. Of course it will be hard; it never was guaranteed to be easy. We should know we are graced by our Lord.. regardless of the numerous amounts of difficulties we face throughout our lifetime. We are truly blessed because God sent his one and only Son to die for our sins so we could be forgiven.

"Greater love has no one than this, that someone lays down his life for his friends." - John 15:13

Now that Christmas is coming up in a few weeks... are you going to believe that you have been graced by the love of Christ? and NOT because you are tying to earn it, deserve it, or be good enough or special enough to receive his grace? Mary is a perfect example to show that we can get through rough times and still do it because of His grace and love for his friends. 

The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all.


Monday, October 31, 2011

october 31st, 2011

Never forgotten, Always cherished

Two years ago, a sweet angel had her life taken. I grew up with Abbey in the same neighborhood, and I remember Abbey, Dylan, Katie, and myself riding sleds when it snowed. The energy and outgoing presense she brought to anyone she was around was unbelievable. She was nice to anyone, regardless of whether she knew you or not.

Everyone loses a loved one throughout their lifetime. It's never easy, and I've been told it's just like losing a body part.... you can't get it back, but you learn to live without it. You will still miss it, and wonder what it would be like to have it back. It's never forgotten, and it's always cherished. It's hard to learn to deal with the coping and emptiness without that person. However, the memories are always to be cherished and remembered.

You never know when you can lose a loved one, so treat them right. Respect everyone surrounding you because you never know when their life could be taken. Life is a precious thing that can be destroyed in a matter of a couple of seconds, and then there is nothing you can do to take it back. Live each day with love and grace, never have regrets because it would change who you are today.

I hope to one day touch at least one person's life, or in any way have someone read these posts and inspire them. The loved ones that we have lost are now in the hands of the Lord in his loving gates. They are safe and loved in his protection. That is what reassures me that everything is alright. My grandfather died last year, and I have yet to heal the pain of the loss. He lived his life, and it was his time to pass. I cannot be selfish for wanting to keep him in this world in pain.

Occassionally, I will take a ride over to the cemetery and have some moments with the loved ones I have lost. I talk to them... and tell them I haven't forgotten them and that I love them dearly. I cherish every moment had I got to have with each one of them, and I never will forget them. You will always be loved and missed. But the good Lord has you now, so I know everything... is the way it's supposed to be.

The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all.


Sunday, October 23, 2011

october 23rd, 2011

I'm Gonna Love You Through It.

"Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on it sown way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong doing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends. So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love." - 1 Corinthians 13:4-7,13

The divorce ratings are skyrocketing these days. It makes me sad, and it worries me that when it comes my time to get married I will not have a strong marriage like my mother and father have. I have heard of twenty year marriages go down the drain from adultery. The women that have the strength to get through that kind of tragedy... I admire you in so many ways for your strength and courage for picking your lives up and moving forward and setting a good example for your children. Those men/women that have committed adultery will answer to the Lord above for their wrong doings, and they will soon come to the realization that they have committed one of the Lord's Ten Commandments. 

Treat your spouse with the most utmost respect and love. I was lucky and blessed as a child to grow up with parents that love each other with all their hearts, but what I admire about them the most is they put the Lord before themselves. If you put your life in the Lord's hands and trust in him with your soul, mind, and strength... everything will fall into place in which the Lord intended it to be. 

"Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church. However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband." -Ephesians 5:25, 31-33

There is a section in Colossians, that I have read a few times about Christian households:

"Wives submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, and do not be harsh with them." - Colossians 3:18-19

As you have noticed, it repeats the same message throughout the Bible. Women and men in a marriage are supposed to love one another, and not commit adultery, they are supposed to live for the Lord, and follow his ways together. You all make the vows on your wedding day, and you shall stick to the words you have spoken in front of the Lord's alter.

I have to put in a few inspirational words for the loving women/men that support women/men that are in the forces, you are a wonderful tribute to this world. Your strength is outstanding, and all I can possibly tell you to help with the pain... is to pray, pray, oh... and pray. Have faith and hope that the Lord will bring him/her home safe. I want to thank all of the brave men and women for your courage for keeping us safe. You never get thanked enough. God bless you all.

When my day comes to be the bride... I will make sure I know who that man is. As my mother has always told me... "When you find a man that loves the Lord more than anything... you've found him. How can he love you if he doesn't love the Lord?" I have that on replay in my head on a daily basis. My precious day will come in my near future, but in the time being... I will live my life for the Lord and treat my loved ones with the most respect and love I can possibly give them. 

The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all.


Sunday, August 21, 2011

august 21st, 2011


The verse Phillipians 4:13 is misunderstood at times. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." You can't do anything. You can't jump 100 yards, you can't go throughout your entire life without lying, and there are plenty of other things you cannot do. There are numerous people that go around and spit this verse out like they have super powers. I heard this in the sermon today, and it made me listen. Basically what Paul is saying is that whatever he is faced to encounter in his life, he can do it because of Jesus, the one who gives him strength. 

"I've found the recipe for being happy, whether well fed or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am. Which is Jesus Christ himself." -Eugene Peterson

There is quite a large difference between saying that phrase and saying "You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength." I am not saying that this saying is a wrong phrase in the text; however, it's how you interpret this verse if it is wrong or not. You can make it through anything with Christ. He always listens to you. It's just like our children's sermon today... Cell phones are quite nifty these days, and they can do so many things! Sometimes they do not work, for example, when they don't have service or they go dead. You can't get get in contact with someone that way; however, when you want to talk to God or get in contact with him.... you don't need batteries or 4 service bars to talk to him. God is always listening to your prayers, and he knows every one of our thoughts. 

Are you content with your life? Are you happy? Ask yourself the question about what makes you happy.... Is it money? relationships? profession? We are relying on things that will soon disappear into thin air to make us happy. It is Christ himself that will never disappear out of your life. That is what the whole letter is that Paul is trying to grow and strengthen the knowledge and love for Jesus Christ. 

Are you going to be content in every situation that comes your way?

The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all.


Sunday, August 14, 2011

august 14th, 2011

The Prayer of Faith

I have come to the realization at this time period in my life that I need to be praying a lot more. Not so much for the sake of myself, but the numerous people across the globe that are suffering more than I ever could be. 

I have dealt with some teenage issues recently that all teenagers deal with at one point or another. I'm hurt in ways, and I have been grieving. I have finally learned the point of picking myself up and telling myself to quit laying around in your self-pity. I'm soon to be 18 years old within the next month, and I am maturing as each day passes. With my trials throughout my teenage years, I have learned to lean on the Lord above. He is the rock and salvation of this world. 

"Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise. Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has a great power as it is working." - James 5:13-16 

Most of us as human beings naturally pray for ourselves first before others; however, it's not wrong to pray for yourself. You should pray for yourself to grow as a child of God and to ask for wisdom from him. As I age I realize that there are so many people other than myself that have their lives in a much worse condition that I could even imagine, and these are the individuals that I have been praying for (f.e. spouses that are going through divorce, children that deal with that as well, the hungry, the sick, and etc.). Everyone needs prayers. Life is a journey, and it never was guaranteed to be easy. 

Let's pray for one another, and be there for someone that is grieving and suffering. It will make a difference, and that's a fact. The Lord listens to every prayer that is said, and none of them go unheard. 

Prayer goes a long way. You'll be surprised how much one prayer can impact someone's life.

The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all.


Thursday, June 16, 2011

june 16th, 2011

Life keeps going.

I am at a point in my life where I am growing up, and I am at the point where I am discovering myself and the things I want to achieve in life. I have set goals for myself, and I will see what happens with those goals. Hard times will come along in life, and it's how you handle them that make you strong. Life will keep going regardless of whether you set your mind to that time. When things have gotten tough for me... I have learned to pick up the pieces and keep moving. Life is hard, and it never was guaranteed to be easy. 

The one thing that gives me this strength is God, the Lord above. You can do all things through him. Some of us slip off our feet when times are going so great, and you stop thinking about God. God is there for you through the good AND the bad. We should NOT push him aside just because our lives are going so great. He is my motivation, and my solid rock. My relationship with the Lord is everything to me (needless to say, I am not the best Christian, but I sure do try). 

My dad and I had an hour long talk I'd say tonight, and he was giving me life and relationship advice. I took it all in, and I listened to every word. Life is what you make it, and only you can make yourself happy. Your choices are what makes your life, and the decisions you make are what your future will look like. I am growing as an individual, and I am growing as a child of God. I am keeping my head held high, and I am strengthening my relationship with God as each day comes. 

Life is what YOU make it. God will only push you farther if you allow him to be in control of your life. 

P.S. It's much easier, fyi.

The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all.

Monday, May 9, 2011

may 9th, 2011

Rejoicing is not always Right

I am going to talk about Osama Bin Laden's death. We all know his crime and the devastation he has brought to numerous families in America from September 11th. I believe it is right that he died; however, I will not rejoice in his death. I will not rejoice in anyones death. 

"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." - Martin Luther King, Jr. 

College students were starting riots when they heard of Osama's killing by our American soldiers. New York City was celebrating. America itself was celebrating and rejoicing in his death. I want to make this as clear as I possibly can make it... I do not believe that what this man did was right in any form or way. He deserves punishment for killing so many individuals. Hitler I believe in the same way. He deserves cruel punishment for what he did to many Jews over the period. My point today is that there are people that deserve to die; however, as children of God we should not rejoice in anyone's death regardless of the reasoning. We should feel the relief of that he cannot do it again to more individuals across the world, but there will be another man and/or woman that will come soon doing another horrid sin just like this. There are good and bad people all across the world, and God loves all of us. 

I am under the realization that it is relieving to the families to know that justice has been served after many years of pain of losing their loved ones. I would be devastated if I was in the position, and I would have to remind myself that I cannot rejoice in his death. We cannot throw hate on top of hate. We can have the possibility of things blowing up in our faces. Overdrive hate with love. I have to tell myself that on a daily basis  when someone says something rude or hurtful; I turn the other cheek and move forward. Life is what YOU make it, and it's your choice of whether you let others make an impact on it or not. 


Love everyone; love the people you know and the ones you don't. Pray for the ones that need God's love and guidance. We all need God's love... some more than others. His love is never ending, and it's always there. 

and remember... never rejoice in a person's death. They may deserve dying, but we should not be as cruel as in rejoicing in someone's death. God is the one that will handle his punishment. Not us. Osama Bin Laden will stand at the gates of the Lord our God, and he will get what he deserves. Only God knows, and we shall move forward. Amen.

The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

april 30th, 2011

I need patience.

Yesterday, I had to work, it was a busy, hectic, and stressful night needless to say. I was thinking rude comments in my mind about some people that were rude to me, and I didn't speak them aloud. I wanted to say things to some people, but I didn't. I was wanting closing time to approach a lot faster than it actually was. I was becoming impatient; if you cannot tell by now that I am an impatient person as it already is. I am impatient about all sorts of things, and that is one of my flaws. I wish to become a more patient person with life, and most importantly... I will pray to become a patient child of God. 

The Lord has blessed me with many miracles in my life. I need to ask for patience in every situation that I am approached with. Everyone has a time in their lives that they are impatient (some more than others, meaning myself). 

"Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!" - Psalm 27:14

When I have asked for God to send me patience, I have to realize that I have to do my part in receiving that characteristic. I have to do my fair share. I am quick to anger, and I need many blessings in that circumstance. I have to understand to push it aside and ignore rude remarks, and I have to keep a steady attitude and move forward. There are some things that are worth getting a little upset over; for example, if you are abused, someone you love has died, or any major, disappointing event. We still need patience and blessings when situations like this come about. We need patience for the small angers and the big angers. I have been told time and time again since I was able to speak that I am hard-headed. I need to be like the ones that are able to have anger control, and I need their long fuse. If someone does something hurtful to you or someone you love, we have to learn to forgive. We cannot just put a band-aid over the issue and be done with it; however, we have to comprehend that the healing process will take time. Forgiveness takes time, and it takes patience as well. The people that have strong patience... I admire you. 

I have thought about this over the time and there are many ways to help make yourself a more patient person. First, if you are impatient to get off of work (like myself that works in the fast food world, YAY... not) and someone comes in as you are closing ( if many do not know, I am an employee at the local restaurant in my hometown) you want to just be rude as possible, and say "Go away! I am tired, and I want to go home." Take a breather, and think how would you like if you were hungry and walked into a restaurant and had the cashier say rude remarks or have a bad attitude? It would make you feel bad, wouldn't it? I have to do that, and majority of the time I don't think about things like that. I will also make the comment, if you are thinking rude remarks, it is just the same as saying it aloud. 

"And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful." - Colossians 3:15

Second, think to yourself how patient our Lord is with us. Remind yourself of the love that Jesus Christ has for each and every one of us. He loves us; even though, we are sinners. We make him angry at times for some our decisions and life choices ( I bet! ). I can't count how many mistakes I have made in my 17 years of living. I have barely began my life as a person yet, and I have already made numerous mistakes. God still loves me... and he still has patience for me. He has patience for all of us. Never forget his love and his patience.

Jesus Christ died on the cross for all of our sins, and he died for all of the problems and issues we may face. He put to death all of these horrid things that take place in what we call our lives. When you start to think of all the terrifying things, those angered moments don't seem so important do they? 

Remember his love and his patience for you. He won't ever lose patience for any of us. 

"And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." - Colossians 3:17

The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all.

Friday, April 22, 2011

april 22nd, 2011

It's Good Friday today!

I apologize for not being on in basically a month. I have had a lot going on with school and working. Easter is on Sunday.

Good Friday is the Friday before Easter, which is the day Jesus was crucified. He died for our sins with his love for God and for us. I woke up and went to school today, and I was debating on whether to attend the local Good Friday Service at noon. I wasn't really that interested; however, I chose to attend. I would have seriously regretted not showing up. The service was very moving, and I enjoyed everything (including the Word that was spoken, the music that was sung/played, the scriptures that were read, and basically everything that was taken place). What I am getting at today is that we sometimes choose not to show up to a church event or a service, then we choose to do otherwise. I came to the realization that I do have a relationship with God; however, it isn't as strong as it needs to be.

Last Sunday was a special day for me, and it meant a lot. I was able to listen to my preacher's sermon, and it opened my eyes tremendously. It might have shaken some people up, but that is the truth and everyone in the church needed to hear it (including me). You are not considered a "good Christian" just because you do good things most of the time, you aren't a "good Christian" just because you go to church every Sunday, you are saved by the grace of God because of Jesus. If it weren't for Jesus dying on the cross we would not be alive today breathing the air that God put here for us. His love for his Father is unbelievable, and he gave us all life. We should be thanking our Lord and Jesus Christ for all they do for us. Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins, so we can be forgiven. We all sin on a day to day basis. Shouldn't we at least try to lower the amount of sin we commit? I sure do try, and I understand that we were all born sinners. All of us are sinners; regardless of what anyone tries to tell you.

Let us all try to appreciate Jesus Christ as our Savior, and we all need to come to the realization that it is because of him that we are saved and not by our own deeds.

Understand that and comprehend that please; I have to do it myself as well. I always focused on what I would do to become a better Christian. When in reality it is because of Jesus Christ that I am a child of God and a saved Christian. Yes, it still matters on how I act and what I make of my life. I should still make wise decisions and follow God's commandments. Follow the Word of God, and follow his ways. Stay true and gracious to his ways. Forever he will love us and keep us close. Never are we far from his presence.

Forever will he love each and every one of us.

The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

march 30th, 2011

I confess.
I apologize deeply for missing a whole week.
I have a lot of stuff going on, and I just can't make the time to write every day.
I am going to start writing when I possibly can. It might be everyday, or I might skip a day or so.
Bare with me and my strange thing of a life!
Hope you enjoy!

Today is a day I will talk about friendship. Friends come and go, but your true friends will be there throughout every step of your life. If you take advantage of the ones that love you, you will regret it more than anything. Be thankful and loving towards your friends. Stay truthful and never stab one another in the back. We all to some extent have someone or some people that we do not particularly like, correct? Shouldn't we all love everyone? Despite our differences we should all get along and accept one another for who we are. I have a difficult time biting my tongue at times, and I seriously need to work on that. I tend to spit out hurtful words to someone and later on I completely regret it. We all are God's children, and we should respect him by loving one another. Everyone. Not excluding one person or a few. Everyone. I've seen "friends" go behind one anothers backs and just do some cruel treatment. It's awful, and it's sad. If we all just try each and every day to give a stranger a smile... you would be surprised at how much that might boost someone up.

This past Sunday I served at Fifth Street Ministries. It is a homeless shelter in Statesville. I've been there a few times before, but I had never served the people food before. It opened my eyes to see how thankful they were for each and everything that they had. My sister was a greeter, (can you believe my sister got assigned as the greeter? Perfect job for her) and she asked everyone how they were. One lady was approaching the line, and my sister asked her, "How are you ma'am?," and the lady replied with one word..."Blessed." It opened my eyes to the highest hills. The people that were there were as sweet as can be, and trust me... You WILL be expected me back to serve. Not to make myself to feel better, but to see those smiling faces. I was awakened on Sunday at how truly blessed I am. I have a loving family and friends that truly care about me. I have a roof over my head each and every night. I have heat, and a warm bed to sleep in every night. The essentials that I have... I take for granted everyday. Thank everyone for all they have done for you. Especially thank your parents. We all take them for granted way more than we should. Thank God for being blessed. He truly is our Father, and we should love him and thank him for everything he does to impact our lives.

I am truly blessed.

Blessed. I. am. blessed.
Thank you Lord.

The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

march 22nd, 2011


The question mark is because I cannot think of a title for this post. 

There is an individual that I know that constantly asks people to attend his/her church. If these people don't come or attend when asked, this person gets mad. Is that right? I am totally against it. I do think it's okay to ask people to come to your church; however, you cannot get mad and say they aren't a true Christian because they don't come to YOUR church. It's wrong, and you are sinning when you are judging. How do you know your way is the right way? You don't, and neither do I. Do not walk around being boastful. God is the only one that knows the right way. 

Judging is wrong, and all of us do it (some more than others). Are you one that judges another person because they are not your exact religion? It's hard to understand, but you shouldn't judge because you are being judged at the same time. Be respectful, and do not get angry with another person because they choose not to attend your church. That does NOT make them not a Christian. 

Do NOT come in between of someone and their relationship with God. That is between her/him and God. Not you, her/him, and God. Just those two. You have your relationship with him, and so do they. Would you like if someone came up and started questioning how your relationship with God is? Even if you attend church regularly and you have a strong relationship with God. That is wrong, and I don't think anyone should put down another person for their relationship with God. 

Think before you go and start getting angry with someone. Think before you act. Are you being a true child of God for judging? I think not. 

God is right, and he is the only one that knows the exact way for everything. Don't assume your way is the only way; therefore, don't be boastful and cocky. You are on the same level as everyone walking across the world. Don't think of yourself higher than someone else. We are all children of God, and he loves us all equally. 

That's that.

The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all.

march 21st, 2011

In Honor of my Grandmother, Patty Witherington

This is my step-grandmother technically, but my biological grandmother died when my mother was a teenager. Since I never met my biological grandmother, Grandpatty is the only grandmother I know. My grandfather Pat Witherington loves this woman, and the love he has for her is just truly magical. He passed last year, and I admire Grandpatty's strength over the past year. I am sure it is tough for her because that was her best friend and lover. She's so fun to be around, and I love her. 

I'll tell you a little bit about her. She was the organist at my church for many years, and she retired years ago. She now sings in the choir, and I love seeing her up there with us. I would like to spend more time with her and keep her company. 

She is a special individual to me, and I wish that some day in my future that I am able to have the strength and courage this miraculous woman has. I strive to have some of her characteristics as a person as I age through time. 

Thank you Lord for blessing my grandfather with another love after his first wife had died. I have truly loved seeing them together as a couple of God, and I admire them both in so many ways. I love you Granddaddy Pat, and I miss you terribly. I know that Grandpatty does too. We all do. 

Thank you Lord for blessing me with another lovely lady to love me and be there for me as I grow into the human being that you strive for me to be. 

The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all.

march 20th, 2011

In Honor of my Grandmother, Nickie Crawford

This woman is my father's mother. I spend a lot of time with her and my grandfather. This woman can cook! She has the best food, and I will always remember her for that. I would love to be able to cook like she does when I get older and am able to cook for others. She is so sweet, and she always checks on everyone. For everyone she knows she sends them ALL birthday cards and thank you cards for every occasion. I don't know how she does it. I love you Grandmama with all of my heart, and I admire you for numerous things. 

She sits right beside me in the choir, and she sings beautifully. 

I love this woman so much, and she is another inspiration I have to keep moving forward living a Christian life. These dedications I am writing are to thank God individually for each one of these people that mean so much to me in my life. Thank you Lord for blessing me with people that love me and want to see me go far in life.

This woman is one of them, and I wouldn't have the love I do today if it wasn't for her. 

In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

march 19th, 2011

In Honor of my Grandfather, Bob Crawford.

Some kids my age are not very close with their grandparents; however, I see my dad's parents every single day of the week except on Saturdays. I am at their house during the school week, and I love spending time with them. I'm so fortunate to have grandparents like them. My grandpa can make me laugh at almost anything he says. He means more to me than anyone will ever know, and I always want to make him proud. He's one that I catch watching cartoons in his recliner as I walk in the door at lunch time. He has had lung cancer twice, and he wasn't expected to live these past 20 years that he has. He has strength like no one else has. I admire him in so many ways that are unexplainable. He's one of my best friends, and he always gives good advice. I love you Granddaddy. I will forever love you. 

Through his pain over the years he still continues to come to church every Sunday. I am in the choir, and I always see him looking up and smiling and me, my grandmother (that stands beside me), my sister, and my father that all sing in the choir at my church. He is always smiling, and he always lights up a room. I am doing my very best to develop a strong relationship with them because time is all we have in this world. You never know when you could lose anyone that is meaningful in your life. Make the best of the time you have, and always spend time with family. 

My grandfather is special to me in ways that I couldn't begin to explain. He was told in 1990 (I believe that is the year. I might be wrong) that he had lung cancer. They told him that he wouldn't make it till the end of the year. I was born in 1993. He's still alive today with the same spunk I'm sure he had back then! I am so thankful that he was able to live long enough to see me grow as a person. I'm so thankful that I was able to be around him this much. He has such a large impact on my life, and I wouldn't be who I am today without him. I love you Granddaddy. I love you with all my heart, soul, and mind. Never will you ever leave my heart. 

Thank you Lord for blessing me with a man in my life that I am lucky enough to call my grandfather. 

I am truly blessed with such loving people to raise me. 

The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all.